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Spring is Nearly Here

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

In these uncertain times, it’s reassuring to know that spring is coming and work on the farm goes on. When the sun was shining last wee, Sophie weeded the newly planted hedges and Ian ploughed, ready for a 4 year fertility building ley. Containing grasses and legumes including clover, trefoil, sainfoin and vetch it will prepare the soil for a new plot for our kitchen garden.


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1 Comment

Apr 07, 2020

Hello All,

In the ' Spring is nearly here ' video there is a a tractor ploughing some land and the mouldboards on the plough are split into sections. I have never seen this before though it may be a well established type of plough. I am guessing it is aimed at less smearing but I don't really know. What is the advantage?

Best wishes

Paul Williams

P.S.Looking forward to getting down to see the new setup once all this virus hoo- ha is over. Good Luck.

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